Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Medea can be forgiven for her rage but not her calculation

Medea’s rage is an aftereffect of Jason’s selling out, and with both want and energy, it prompts her computation making her carry out incredible violations. Her fury is excusable, yet her activities that follow are despicable. Jason’s disloyalty is repeating all through the novel, and as it advances, Medea’s rage declines too. At the point when Jason claims â€Å"he has acted like a genuine friend† to Medea and his kids, Medea responds furiously, realizing that he has acted conversely. Jason’s absence to his activities and untruths affronts Medea, framing her hatred to create. In spite of the fact that Medea’s estimation doesn’t indicate Jason’s double-crossing, he is still to fault for being the reason for such craze. Medea’s fury, enthusiasm, and want for Jason are the source of her activities. For Medea to â€Å"suffer the joke of her enemies† was something she wouldn’t endure. Her noxious psyche permitted her to accept that she would prefer to foul up, than be mocked by Jason, Glauce and Creon. By slaughtering her kids, Glauce and Creon, Medea realized she would â€Å"have her claws† in Jason’s heart as he merited. These youngsters live no more; I express this to wound your heart†. Medea submits these activities to hurt Jason and seek retribution, yet was uninformed of the degree of which they would influence her. The crowd can't recognize Medea’s rage from her count as they are each of the a wellspring of a similar reason. â€Å"My enthusiasm is ace of my explanation, energy that ca uses the best enduring in the world†. Medea realizes that with the end goal for her to seek after with killing her youngsters, she should endure hugely. Her control and watchful game plans permits her to achieve results which consider her anger and â€Å"special knowledge†. In spite of the fact that Jason is to be faulted for Medea's anger, the outcomes are exclusively Medea's deficiency. We can identify with Medea; somewhat, for the misery she experiences through executing her youngsters. In spite of the fact that Medea can't be pardoned for her activities, the crowd can comprehend the explanations behind the vindictive way Medea countered. Neither Jason nor Medea can be excused for their activities, yet denounced.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Introduction of Shipping Containers Essay Example for Free

Presentation of Shipping Containers Essay Until the 1960s, transporting had not changed much in decades. Dealing with load was a work concentrated movement, and transportation costs and timesâ€whether via land or via seaâ€were enormous snags to exchange, regularly making cross-country, not to mention worldwide, and exchange monetarily unfeasible. Anyway something happened that changed that. That was the development of the transportation compartment. The introduction of the delivery compartment goes back to April 26, 1956 when a crane lifted fifty-eight aluminum truck bodies on board an a boat called the Ideal-X docked in Newark, New Jersey. After five days, the boat cruised in Houston, where fifty-eight trucks held back to take on the metal boxes and take them to their goals. This proclaimed the start of another time. Decades have gone since that portentous day which changed the world. Today we live in a globalized world so it is hard for us to try and envision the degree to which the compartment changed the world. In 1956, China was not the universes workshop. It was not normal to discover Japanese hardware and vehicles in Dhaka. Western attire brands didn’t have their items produced in Bangladesh either. Prior to the approach of the holder, moving merchandise was costly. So costly that it didn't pay to send numerous things most of the way the nation over, considerably less most of the way around the globe. The presentation of the holder had a gigantic effect upon the world’s economy. The majority of inadequately paid laborers who once made their livings stacking and emptying ships wound up losing their positions. Urban areas that had been focuses of oceanic business for a long time, for example, New York and Liverpool, saw their harbors decrease because of them being unsuited to the compartment exchange. Trader mariners, who had cruised out to see the world, had their conventional days-long shore leave in outlandish harbors supplanted by a couple of hours aground at a remote parking area for compartments, their vessel prepared to gauge grapple the moment the fast cranes got done with putting immense metal boxes now and again the boat. Be that as it may, even as it decimated the old economy, the compartment helped fabricate another one. Harbors, for example, Busan and Seattle moved into the front positions of the universes ports, and enormous new ports were worked in places like Felixstowe, in England, and Tanjung Pelepas, in Malaysia. Modest communities, far away from the urban communities, could exploit their modest land and low wages to pulled in production lines liberated from the should be almost a port to appreciate modest transportation. Broad modern buildings where a large number of laborers made items all the way offered approach to littler, progressively specific plants that delivered parts and half-completed merchandise to each other in consistently protracting flexibly chains. Poor nations, urgent for financial turn of events, could sensibly fantasy about turning out to be providers to well off nations far away. Immense modern buildings were worked in places Los Angeles and Hong Kong, simply because the expense of getting crude materials and sending completed products dropped widely. The compartment made transportation modest, and by doing so changed the monetary topography of the world. It was currently simpler than any time in recent memory to move merchandise everywhere throughout the world. Merchandise could now be produced anyplace and sold anyplace. On account of the holder the world had become a littler spot. This new monetary geology permitted firms whose aspirations had been simply local to become universal organizations, permitting them to send out their items and selling them abroad nearly as easily as selling them close by. The individuals who wanted to go universal discovered that they had no way out. Regardless, they were contending all inclusive in light of the fact that the worldwide market was coming to them. High delivery costs no longer offered assurance to significant expense makers whose greatest preferred position was by and large geologically near their clients. Indeed, even with customs obligations and time delays, processing plants in Malaysia could convey shirts to Macys in Herald Square more economically than could pullover producers in the close by lofts of New Yorks article of clothing area. The world was brimming with little producers selling locally in 1956 yet before the finish of the twentieth century, simply neighborhood markets for merchandise of any kind were very uncommon. The holder as helpful as it was to encouraging financial development was not heartily gotten by the laborers. The laborers, as shoppers picked up bounty because of the holder. They delighted in interminably more decisions on account of the worldwide exchange animated by the purchaser. The expanded exchange achieved an expanded degree of rivalry which held costs down. Buyers everywhere throughout the world appreciated higher expectations for everyday comforts because of the prepared accessibility of cheap imported purchaser merchandise. Anyway as breadwinners the laborers weren’t excessively responsive of compartments. In the years after World War II, wartime pulverization made immense interest while low degrees of worldwide exchange monitored serious powers. In this excellent condition, laborers and worker's guilds in North America, Western Europe, and Japan had the option to egotiate about consistent upgrades in wages and advantages, while government programs gave ever more grounded wellbeing nets. The week's worth of work developed shorter, incapacity pay was made progressively liberal, and retirement at sixty or sixty-two turned into the standard. The compartment stopped that remarkable development. Low transportation costs helped make capital considerably progressively versatile, expanding the dealing intensity of bosses against their far less portable specialists. In this exceptionally coordinated world economy, the compensation of laborers in Dhaka sets restricts on compensation in New York. For producers it turned out to be increasingly desirable over production abroad in immature nations as pay and work place principles are low in immature nations. How much the holder matters to the world economy is difficult to evaluate. In the perfect world, we might want to realize the amount it cost to send one thousand mens shirts from Dhaka to Toronto in 1955, and to follow how that cost changed as containerization came into utilization. Such information don't exist, however it appears to be evident that the holder acquired clearing decreases the expense of moving cargo. From a boat conveying two or three dozen compartments that would not fit on some other vessel, holder dispatching developed into a profoundly mechanized, exceptionally normalized industry on a worldwide scale. A gigantic containership can be stacked with brief portion of the work and time required to deal with a little regular boat 50 years back. A couple of team individuals can deal with the whole vessel. A trucker can store a trailer at a clients stacking dock, attach another trailer, and drive on promptly, instead of watching his costly apparatus stand inactive while the substance are expelled. Those progressions are results of the compartment insurgency. Transportation has become so proficient that for some, reasons, cargo costs don't a lot of impact monetary choices. Containerization has doubtlessly changed the world. It has caused time-space pressure that has significantly affected monetary topography. Places far away could now move a wide range of merchandise between them because of delivery compartments. In basic words it has made the world a littler spot.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

M?n?g?m?nt Theory of Fr?d?ri?k H?rzb?rg

M?n?g?m?nt Theory of Fr?d?ri?k H?rzb?rg Fr?d?ri?k Herzberg (1923-2000), w?? a ?lini??l ????h?l?gi?t and pioneer ?f the job ?nri?hm?nt m?n?g?m?nt ??n???t. H? i? r?g?rd?d ?? one of th? great ?rigin?l think?r? in m?n?g?m?nt and m?tiv?ti?n?l theory.M?tiv?ti?n i? a ??w?rful, yet tricky b???t.S?m?tim?? it is r??ll? ???? t? g?t motivated, ?nd you find yourself wrapped u? in a whirlwind of ?x?it?m?nt.Oth?r tim??, it i? nearly impossible to figure out h?w t? motivate yourself ?nd ??ur? tr????d in a death ??ir?l of procrastination.M?tiv?ti?n i? literally th? d??ir? to d? thing?. Its the diff?r?n?? b?tw??n w?king up before dawn to ??unding the ??v?m?nt ?nd l?zing around th? house all d??.It? the ?ru?i?l ?l?m?nt in ??tting ?nd ?tt?ining g??l?â€"?nd research ?h?w? ??u ??n influ?n?? your own l?v?l? of m?tiv?ti?n and ??lf-??ntr?l.In 1959, H?rzb?rg ??ndu?t?d a ?tud? with 200 ?ngin??r? and ????unt?nt? ?? th? ?ubj??t?. Th?? w?r? asked t? recollect th?ir ?x??ri?n??? and f??ling? (positive ?r n?g?tiv?) th?? had at work, and th? r????n? b?hind th? w?? they f?lt.Based ?n the ?ubj??tiv? data from the r????nd?nt?, H?rzb?rg b?g?n to ?n?l?z? their j?b attitudes. Fr?m th? ?tud?, he proposed a tw?-f??t?r ???r???h wh?n attempting t? und?r?t?nd m?tiv?ti?n ?m?ng ?m?l?????.This g?v? birth t? th? Tw? Factor Th??r?, also known ??, Herzbergs M?tiv?ti?n Th??r?.Frederick Herzberg (1923 2000) w?? a US ?lini??l ????h?l?gi?t who l?t?r b???m? Professor ?f M?n?g?m?nt ?t th? Univ?r?it? of Ut?h.Hi? ?v?rriding int?r??t in m?nt?l h??lth ?t?mm?d from his belief that mental h??lth is th? core i??u? ?f ?ur tim??. This was ?r?m?t?d by hi? ???ting t? th? Dachau concentration ??m? ?ft?r its lib?r?ti?n. On his r?turn t? Am?ri??, he worked for th? US Public Health S?rvi??.H? i? b??t kn?w f?r hi? hygiene-motivation theory, whi?h was fir?t ?ubli?h?d in Th? m?tiv?ti?n t? w?rk in 1959. H?rzb?rg? w?rk focused ?n th? individual in th? workplace, but it has b??n ???ul?r with m?n?g?r? ?? it ?l?? emphasised th? im??rt?n?? ?f m?n?g?m?nt kn?wl?dg? ?nd ?x??rti??.H ?RZB?RG? M?IN TH??R? AND ITS ?IGNIFI??N??Herzberg was th? fir?t to ?h?w that ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd di???ti?f??ti?n at w?rk nearly always ?r??? from different factors, ?nd w?r? not simply opposing reactions to th? ??m? factors, ?? h?d always previously b??n b?li?v?d.Th?? ??ndu?t?d a ??ri?? of inter ¬views with 200 ?ngin??r? ?nd ????unt?nt? f??u?ing ?n f??t?r? ??n?id?r?d to be important ?? ??ur??? ?f motivation.E??h engineer was ??k?d two questions:Can ??u d???rib?, in detail, wh?n ??u felt ?x???ti?n?ll? b?d ?b?ut th? j?b?C?n ??u d???rib?, in d?t?il, wh?n you felt ?x???ti?n?ll? good about th? j?b?Fr?m th? r??li?? r???iv?d Herzberg di???v?r?d one ??t ?f factors that produce j?b ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd motivation ?nd ?n?th?r set ?f f??t?r? that l??d t? j?b di???ti?f??ti?n.Although ‘l?w ???’ might w?ll b? described as ??u?ing dissatisfaction, ‘high pay’ w?uld n?t necessarily be t?k?n as a ??u?? of satisfaction. In?t??d, diff?r?nt f??t?r?, ?u?h as recognition or ????m?li?hm?nt, were cited ?? ??ti?f?ing.This finding l?d H?rzb?rg t? arrive ?t the ??n?lu?i?n that th? traditional model of j?b ??ti?f??ti?n w?? incomplete. The tr?diti?n?l vi?w h?ld? that ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd dissatisfaction ?r? at ?????it? ?nd? ?f a ?ingl? ??ntinuum.But H?rzb?rg’? int?rvi?w? had identified tw? different ??t of factors: ?n? r?nging fr?m ??ti?f?? ¬ti?n to no satisfaction ?nd th? ?th?r r?nging fr?m di? ¬??ti?f??ti?n t? n? di???ti?-f??ti?n.Th? f??t?r? influ?n?ing the satisfaction ??ntinuum ?r? ??ll?d m?tiv?ti?n f??t?r? and th?? are r?l?t?d ????ifi ¬??ll? t? the w?rk ??nt?nt. Th? ?th?r ??t ?f f??t?r? (th? one causing di???ti?f??ti?n) H?rzb?g called h?gi?ni? factors; they are related t? th? work ??nt?xt, i.?., w?rk environment.Motivating f??t?r? h?v? uplifting effects on attitude ?r ??rf?rm?n??. H?gi?ni? (?r m?int?n?n??) f??t?r? ?r?v?nt l??? ?f m?r?l? ?r ?ff??tiv?n???.Alth?ugh th?? ??nn?t b? th?m??lv?? motivate human b?ing?, th?? ??n f?r??t?ll ?n? serious dissatisfaction or drop in ?r?du?tivit?. H?rz b?rg th?n argues th?t th?r? ?r? tw? ?t?g?? in th? process ?f motivating ?m?l?????.Fir?t, the manager must ?n?ur? th?t th? hygiene factors ?r? ?d??u?t?. Th?t is, ??? and security mu?t b? ???r??ri?t?, working conditions mu?t be ??f?, t??hni??l ?u??rvi?i?n must b? ?????t?bl?, and th? lik?.By ?r?viding these factors ?t an ???r??ri?t? level, the manager does n?t ?timul?t? m?tiv?ti?n but merely ?n?ur?? th?t ?m?l???r become ‘n?t di???ti?fi?d’. Employees whom m?n?g?r? ?tt?m?t t? ‘??ti?f?’ vi? h?gi?ni? factors ?l?n? will ?ut th? minimum effort t? avoid job l???.M?n?g?r? ?h?uld th?n ?r????d to the next stage- th?? should giv? ?m?l????? th? ????rtunit? t? ?x??ri?n?? motivation f??t?r? ?u?h as ??hi?v?m?nt ?nd recognition.Th? r??ult i? ?r?di?t?d t? b? a high l?v?l of ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd m?tiv?ti?n.H?rzb?rg ?l?? goes one ?t?? ?h??d of ?th?r? to d???rib? exactly, h?w t? u?? the tw?-f??t?r theory. S???ifi??ll?, h? r???mm?nd? j?b enrichment.H? ?rgu?? that j?b? ?h?uld be redesigned to ?r?vid? hi gh?r levels ?f th? m?tiv?ti?n f??t?r?.The im?li??ti?n i? th?t today’s employees ?x???t to b? tr??t?d f?irl? b? th?ir m?n?g?r? ?? ?? t? m?int?in th?ir individual rights.Th?? ?x???t decent working conditions ?nd w?g? ?nd salaries ??m??r?bl? t? th?t ?f ????l? doing ?imil?r j?b in other organisations. Th?? ?x???t company policies to b? ??n?i?t?ntl? and equitably applied to ?ll ?m?l?????.If th??? expectations ?r? n?t r??li??d, employees ?r? de-motivated (or n?g?tiv?l? m?tiv?t?d).Thi? condition i? u?u?ll? r?fl??t?d in inefficiency ?nd a high turn?v?r r?t? (i.?., frequent resignation).But fulfilling th??? ?x???t?ti?n? does n?t n??????ril? m?tiv?t? ?m?l?????.As M??l?w’? theory maintains, it i? ?nl? wh?n the lower-level needs are ??ti?fi?d th?t the high?r-l?v?l n??d? ??n b? m??t ?ff??tiv?l? u??d in m?tiv?ting ????l?.The k?? is for th? manager t? t?? th? motivating factors. Th? tw? sets ?f factors li?t?d may n?w be illu?tr?t?d.Ex?m?l?? of H?rzb?rg? h?gi?n? n??d? (or m?int?n?n?? f??t?r?) i n th? w?rk?l??? are:Pay The pay or salary ?tru?tur? should b? ???r??ri?t? ?nd r????n?bl?. It must b? equal ?nd ??m??titiv? t? those in the ??m? indu?tr? in th? same d?m?in.C?m??n? P?li?i?? ?nd ?dmini?tr?tiv? policies Th? ??m??n? ??li?i?? ?h?uld n?t b? t?? rigid. Th?? should b? f?ir ?nd clear. It ?h?uld include flexible working h?ur?, dr??? code, breaks, v???ti?n, ?t?.Fringe b?n?fit? Th? employees ?h?uld b? ?ff?r?d h??lth ??r? ?l?n? (mediclaim), benefits for the f?mil? m?mb?r?, ?m?l???? h?l? programmes, ?t?.Ph??i??l W?rking ??nditi?n? Th? w?rking conditions should b? ??f?, clean ?nd h?gi?ni?. The w?rk equipments ?h?uld b? updated and w?ll-m?int?in?d.St?tu? The ?m?l?????’ ?t?tu? within the ?rg?niz?ti?n should b? f?mili?r and retained.Interpersonal r?l?ti?n? Th? r?l?ti?n?hi? ?f th? employees with hi? ???r?, superiors ?nd ?ub?rdin?t?? ?h?uld b? ???r??ri?t? ?nd ?????t?bl?. Th?r? should b? n? ??nfli?t or humiliation element present.Job S??urit? Th? ?rg?niz?ti?n must ?r?vid? job ? ??urit? to th? ?m?l?????.H?rzb?rg? r????r?h identified that tru? m?tiv?t?r? w?r? ?th?r ??m?l?t?l? diff?r?nt factors, n?t?bl?:Recognition The ?m?l????? ?h?uld b? ?r?i??d and r???gniz?d for th?ir ????m?li?hm?nt? b? the managers.Sense of ??hi?v?m?nt The ?m?l????? mu?t have a ??n?? ?f achievement. Thi? d???nd? ?n th? job. Th?r? mu?t b? a fruit ?f some ??rt in th? job.Growth ?nd ?r?m?ti?n?l opportunities Th?r? mu?t be growth ?nd ?dv?n??m?nt ????rtuniti?? in an organization t? m?tiv?t? th? ?m?l????? t? ??rf?rm w?ll.Responsibility The employees mu?t hold themselves responsible f?r the work. Th? m?n?g?r? ?h?uld giv? them ?wn?r?hi? ?f the w?rk. Th?? should minimize ??ntr?l but r?t?in ????unt?bilit?.M??ningfuln??? of th? w?rk Th? w?rk it??lf ?h?uld b? m??ningful, int?r??ting and ?h?ll?nging for th? ?m?l???? to perform and t? get m?tiv?t?d.FACTORS F?R S?TI?F??TI?N â€" M?TIV?TI?N?LM?tiv?t?r f??t?r? emerge fr?m th? n??d ?f ?n individual t? ??hi?v? personal growth. J?b satisfaction results f rom th? presence ?f m?tiv?t?r factors.Moreover, ?ff??tiv? motivator f??t?r? do n?t ?nl? l??d to j?b ??ti?f??ti?n, but ?l?? t? b?tt?r ??rf?rm?n?? ?t work. The m?tiv?t?r factors are:Challenging ?r ?timul?ting w?rkStatusOpportunity f?r ?dv?n??m?ntR????n?ibilit?S?n?? of personal gr?wth/j?b achievementA??uiring recognitionM?tiv?ti?n?l f??t?r? ?r? th??? th?t d??l with th? metric ?f ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd ?r? th??? f??t?r? that positively ??t f?r and ensures satisfaction ?r motivation ?v?r a stretch ?f tim?.These f??t?r? d? n?t deal with the m?tri? of di???ti?f??ti?n. The motivational f??t?r? ?r? those whi?h ?ll?w for in?r????d ??rf?rm?n?? of the ?m?l?????. Th??? f??t?r? ?r? more intrinsic in n?tur? whil? th? h?gi?n? factors ?r? more ?r l??? ?xtrin?i?.H? laid ?ut 6 im??rt?nt f??t?r? ?? m?tiv?ti?n?l f??t?r? ?nd in th?ir ?rd?r ?f im??rt?n??, th?? ?r? Achievements, Recognition, the Nature ?f th? w?rk, R????n?ibilit?, Advancement ?nd Gr?wth.An ?m?l???? if h? i? r???gniz?d b? let’s say employee ?f the ???r for the h?rd w?rk h? has put in, th?n that ?m?l???? him??lf will b? satisfied ?nd will be m?tiv?t?d.There ?r? num?r?u? f??t?r? whi?h can m?tiv?t? ?m?l????? ?? id?ntifi?d in thi? th??r?.Th? f??t?r? commonly ?b??rv?d that ???itiv?l? influence satisfaction called M?tiv?t?r? in?lud? w?rk n?tur?, r???gniti?n t? ?n?’? ??hi?v?m?nt, ?dv?n??m?nt opportunities, r????n?ibilit?, ??n?? ?f importance, ?nd inclusion in d??i?i?n-m?king process.F??T?R? F?R DISSATISFACTION â€" HYGIENEHygiene f??t?r? are th??? th?t n??d t? be ?ddr????d by a bu?in??? in such a way th?t they w?uld n?t r??ult t? th? ?m?l????’? un?l????nt ?x??ri?n??? and f??ling? ?t w?rk.Th? ??ti?f??ti?n ?f hygiene factors motivates ?m?l????? in their work. Th? h?gi?n? f??t?r? are:Wages, ??l?ri?? ?nd ?th?r financial r?mun?r?ti?nC?m??n? ??li?? and administrationQu?lit? ?f int?r??r??n?l r?l?ti?n?W?rking ??nditi?n?Feelings of job ???urit?Qu?lit? ?f supervisionHygiene factors referred t? those job f??t?r? th?t d??? n?t ???itiv?l? ?n?ur? satisfaction ?r motivation ?v?r a ?tr?t?h ?f tim?, but ?r? th??? f??t?r? wh?n ?b??nt causes di???ti?f??ti?n ?nd lowering ?f m?r?l?.These f??t?r? ?r? n?t ???itiv? actors ?ll?wing for increased motivation but are positive reasons wh? ?n employee should n?t b? di???ti?fi?d with hi? job. Th??? factors ?r? ?l?? known ?? Di???ti?fi?r? or Maintenance F??t?r? because ?f th? f??t that it dealt with th? metric ?f di???ti?f??ti?n.H? l?id d?wn six im??rt?nt hygiene f??t?r in t?rm? ?f it? im??rt?n?? ?? C?m??n? P?li??, Su??rvi?i?n, Relationship with the B???, Work C?nditi?n?, Salary ?nd R?l?ti?n?hi? with ???r?.For in?t?n??, if the bu?in??? h?d a very rigid ?nd un????mm?d?ting ??m??n? ??li?? it meant di???ti?f??ti?n wh?r??? a company policy fl?xibl? enough t? giv? br??thing space did n?t ??u?? di???ti?f??ti?n.Simil?rl?, ???ur? work ??nditi?n? meant no di???ti?f??ti?n and d?ng?r?u? and un??f? ?n?? m??nt di???ti?f??ti?n.Th?r? ?r? ????r?ntl? more r????n? ??u?ing di???ti?f??ti?n th?n ??ti?f??t i?n.F??t?r? ??mm?nl? observed th?t cause di???ti?f??ti?n ?? ??r the th??r? ?nd ?r? called Hygiene include unf?ir ??m??n? ??li?i??, r?l?ti?n?hi? with ?u??rvi??r, mi?r? management, ??m??n??ti?n, working ??nditi?n?, ???r ??t, j?b ???urit?, ?t?tu? etc. B?th f??t?r? ?r? independent ?f ???h otherIt ?h?uld b? n?t?d that ?? ??r th? tw?-f??t?r th??r?, ?b?v? ?t?t?d factors ?f ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd dissatisfaction ??t ind???nd?ntl? ?nd ?b??n?? ?f one d??? n?t lead t? th? ?r???n?? ?f ?n?th?r.For instance, the absence ?f r????n?ibilit? d??? n?t l??d to dissatisfaction; it i? just n?t a ?t?t? ?f ??ti?f??ti?n. And th? ?b??n?? ?f unf?ir company policies d??? n?t l??d t? ??ti?f??ti?n, it i? simply n?t b?ing di???ti?fi?d.C?mbin?ti?n? ?f M?tiv?t?r? and H?gi?n? factorsSimple combinations ?f M?tiv?t?r? ?nd H?gi?n? factors ??n produce a useful m?trix gauging motivation ?f ?n employee and ?ub???u?ntl? success f?r a firm.F?ll?wing is the ??t of th??? ????ibl? ??mbin?ti?n?:High Motivation ?nd High H?gi?n?: A? so unds, it i? ?n id?lli? ??mbin?ti?n, ?nd ?v?r??n? would want t? achieve this. From ?n organization ??r????tiv?, it r??ult? in high motivation and l?w complaints ?m?ng?t ?m?l?????.High M?tiv?ti?n ?nd L?w Hygiene: Employees ?r? significantly m?tiv?t?d but ?till pose num?r?u? complaints. F?r in?t?n??, consider a job whi?h i? ?h?ll?nging ?nd r?w?rding but policies ?nd work ??nditi?n? are n?t well ?????t?d.L?w M?tiv?ti?n and High Hygiene: In ?u?h ?itu?ti?n?, employees ?r? happy doing th?ir j?b, ??rning ??l?ri?? ?t th? end ?f the day but lack th? d??ir? t? t?k? initiatives ?nd m?rk a diff?r?n?? f?r th?ir ?rg?niz?ti?n. Th? job i? synonymous to a ??? check.L?w M?tiv?ti?n ?nd L?w Hygiene: W?r?t ???iti?n t? be in f?r any organization. This can b? ??m??r?d t? a sight ?f failing ?rg?niz?ti?n r?du?ing it? ?r???n?? ?nd ???r?ti?n?, while ?v?r? employee i? l??king out f?r ?r??ti??ll? no in??ntiv? t? w?rk.To ?umm?riz? the Tw?-f??t?r th??r?;Intrinsic ?r satisfiers (m?tiv?ti?n?l) f??t?r?, ?u?h as advan cement, r???gniti?n, responsibility, and achievement seem t? b? related t? j?b satisfaction.Dissatisfied r????nd?nt? t?nd?d t? ?it? extrinsic ?r h?gi?n? (m?int?n?n??) factors, ?u?h as ?u??rvi?i?n, ???, ??m??n? policies, ?nd w?rking conditions.The opposite ?f ??ti?f??ti?n i? n?t di???ti?f??ti?n.Removing dissatisfying ?h?r??t?ri?ti?? fr?m a j?b d??? n?t necessarily m?k? th? job ??ti?f?ing.Job ??ti?f??ti?n f??t?r? ?r? separate ?nd distinct from job di???ti?f??ti?n factors. M?n?g?r? wh? ?limin?t? job dissatisfaction f??t?r? may n?t n??????ril? bring about m?tiv?ti?n.When hygiene f??t?r? ?r? adequate, ????l? will n?t b? di???ti?fi?d; n?ith?r will th?? b? ??ti?fi?d. T? m?tiv?t? ????l?, ?m?h??iz? f??t?r? intrin?i??ll? r?w?rding that are ?????i?t?d with th? work itself ?r to outcomes dir??tl? d?riv?d fr?m it.LIMIT?TI?N? ?F HERZBERG’S TH??R? ?R? QUITE ??RI?U?S?m? of th? major limit?ti?n? ?f this theory ?r?:Thi? theory i? based ?n a ?m?ll ??m?l?. It i? risky and unwi?? t? d?riv? g?n?r?liz?t i?n? fr?m the conclusions ?f a limit?d r????r?h project.Th? research sample, which i? the basis ?f thi? th??r?; i? t?k?n from a ri?h ??untr?; whi?h i? n?t r??r???nt?tiv? ?f behaviour ?f people in ?ll countries. F?r example, m?n?? which is not a m?tiv?t?r in ri?h ??untri??; is a v?r? powerful motivator for ????l? ?f ???r ??untri??.In f??t, in th? interviewing t??hni?u?, m??t often, ????l? t?ll what interviewers lik? t? h??r r?th?r th?n wh?t th?? r??ll? f??l about various things.On? ?f th? m?int?n?n?? (?r h?gi?n?) factors m?nti?n?d b? H?rzb?rg is ??r??n? lif?. What m?n?g?m?nt ??n do ?b?ut th? personal life ?f an individu?l; is r??ll? subject t? ?ffi?i?l ??n?tr?int?, ?ut on m?n?g?r? b? th? ?rg?ni??ti?n.Th?r? is ?n element of ?v?rl???ing in Herzberg’s th??r?. For example, in the ??t?g?r? of m?tiv?ti?n?l f??t?r?, ‘advancement’ ?nd ‘????rtuniti?? for gr?wth’ ?lm??t convey th? same ??nn?t?ti?n.CRITICISM ?F HERZBERG’S TWO FACTOR THEORYH?rzb?rg’? th??r? h??, however, b??n ?riti ?iz?d by m?n? ?uth?r?. The criticism ?f the th??r? i? based ?n th? f?ll?wing ??int?.The f??t?r? l??ding t? ??ti?f??ti?n ?nd di???ti?f??ti?n ?r? not r??ll? different from each ?th?r. It h?? been ??nt?nd?d that ??hi?v?m?nt, recognition, ?nd responsibility ?r? im??rt?nt f?r b?th ??ti?f??ti?n and di???ti?f??ti?n, whil? such dim?n?i?n? ?? security, ??l?r?, ?nd working ??nditi?n? ?r? less im??rt?nt;Th? two f??t?r th??r? i? ?n ?v?r-?im?lifi??ti?n ?f the tru? r?l?ti?n?hi? between motivation and di???ti?f??ti?n. Several studies ?h?w?d th?t one f??t?r ??n ??u?? job ??ti?f??ti?n f?r one person ?nd job dissatisfaction f?r another.H?rzb?rg’? inference r?g?rding diff?r?n??? between satisfiers and m?tiv?t?r? ??nn?t b? completely ?????t?d. P???l? generally attribute the ??u??? of ??ti?f??ti?n t? their ?wn ??hi?v?m?nt?. But more likely th?? ?ttribut? their dissatisfaction to obstacles ?r???nt?d by company’s ??li?i?? ?r ?u??ri?r? than t? th?ir d?fi?i?n?i??.Though H?rzb?rg’? th??r? h?? m?t sever e criticism, it has ???t a n?w light ?n th? content ?f work m?tiv?ti?n. It h?? ??ntribut?d ?ub?t?nti?ll? t? M??l?w‘? id??? ?nd m?d? them m?r? ???li??bl? t? th? work situation. It has also ??ntribut?d t? j?b design technique ?r j?b enrichment.Regardless ?f criticisms, H?rzb?rg’? theory has b??n wid?l? read, and few m?n?g?r? are unfamiliar with hi? r???mm?nd?ti?n?.The ???ul?rit? ?f v?rti??ll? expanding j?b? to ?ll?w w?rk?r? gr??t?r responsibility ??n ?r?b?bl? be ?ttribut?d to H?rzb?rg’? finding?.Th? disadvantages are th?t H?rzb?rg? m?d?l i? m?r? ?f a g?n?r?liz?ti?n that m?? n?t b? appropriate to all gr?u?? of ?m?l????? ?r individuals within a group. H?rzb?rg b???d his theory on int?rvi?w? with accountants ?nd ?ngin??r?.Hi? findings ?r? not necessarily dir??tl? ???li??bl? t? v??tl? diff?r?nt ?m?l???? gr?u??. H?url? ?m?l????? may not b? ??rti?ul?rl? interested in j?b ?nl?rg?m?nt and ?nri?hm?nt, ?nd may b? m?r? m?tiv?t?d by increased pay.S?m? ?m?l????? m?? b? m?r? m?tiv?t?d b? fl?x ibl? work arrangements.Additi?n?ll?, too mu?h of a g??d thing can be b?d: giving an ?m?l???? r????n?ibilit? th?? ?r? n?t ?r???r?d for ??n b? overwhelming ?nd become a de-motivator.TH? ?DV?NT?G??Th? ?dv?nt?g?? ?f H?rzb?rg? th??r? i? in id?ntif?ing th?t there are factors that in general will m?tiv?t? ?nd d?-m?tiv?t? groups of ?m?l?????, ??m? of whi?h are in th? ??ntr?l of m?n?g?r? (lik? level of r????n?ibilit? ?nd w?rking conditions) and ??m? whi?h ?r? outside ?f th?ir ??ntr?l (lik? ??r??n?l lif?).H?rzb?rg? model ??n be u??d t? id?ntif? br??d issues th?t need to be ?ddr????d or mitig?t?d in general.F?r example, in an environment wh?r? employees are un?ur? ?f th?ir job security, m?n?g?r? ??n tr? to mitig?t? the d?-m?tiv?ting ?ff??t b? ?r?viding ???n ??mmuni??ti?n, ?nd b? reassuring ?m?l????? ?b?ut the situation.IN ??R????TIV?H?rzb?rg? ideas h?v? ?r?v?d v?r? dur?bl?. Hi? work ??n b? ???n in ??mm?n with th?t of Elt?n M??? (kn?wn f?r th? H?wth?rn? Ex??rim?nt?), ?f Abr?h?m Maslow (d?v?l?? ?r of the hi?r?r?h? ?f n??d?) ?nd ?f Douglas McGregor (?r??t?r ?f Theory X ?nd Th??r? Y) ?? a r???ti?n t? F W T??l?r? Scientific M?n?g?m?nt th??ri??.These last f??u??d ?n t??hni?u?? whi?h ??uld b? u??d to m?ximi?? th? ?r?du?tivit? ?f m?nu?l workers and ?n th? separation of mental ?nd ?h??i??l w?rk b?tw??n m?n?g?m?nt ?nd workers.In ??ntr??t, H?rzb?rg ?nd hi? ??nt?m??r?ri?? b?li?v?d that w?rk?r? wanted th? ????rtunit? t? f??l part ?f a t??m and to grow ?nd d?v?l??.Although Herzbergs th??r? i? n?t highl? r?g?rd?d by ????h?l?gi?t? t?d??, managers h?v? f?und in it u??ful guidelines for action. Its b??i? tenets ?r? ???? t? und?r?t?nd ?nd ??n be applied t? ?ll t???? of ?rg?ni??ti?n.Furth?rm?r?, it appears t? ?u???rt th? ???iti?n ?nd influ?n?? ?f m?n?g?m?nt. It has b??n n?t?d th?t links b?tw??n m?tiv?ti?n ?nd ?r?du?tivit? are beyond the scope of Herzberg’s w?rk, and th? usefulness of motivating f??t?r? from th? ??r????tiv? ?f management may d???nd upon proving thi? r?l?ti?n?hi?, as other ?uth?r? h?v? tri?d t? d?.Th? theorys impact h?? been seen on r?w?rd systems, fir?tl? in a move away from ???m?nt-b?-r??ult? systems ?nd today in th? gr?wing ?r???rti?n of ??f?t?ri? b?n?fit? ??h?m??, whi?h ?ll?w individual employees to ?h???? the fring? b?n?fit? whi?h best ?uit th?m.Job ?nri?hm?nt w?? more th??ri??d about than ?ut int? ?r??ti??. Many schemes whi?h w?r? tri?d r??ult?d only in cosmetic changes or led t? d?m?nd? f?r in?r????d w?rk?r control ?nd w?r? therefore t?rmin?t?d.N?w?d??? th? ??n???t is m?r? ?n? of people enrichment, although thi? ?till ?w?? much to Herzbergs original w?rk.Hi? gr??t??t contribution h?? b??n th? knowledge th?t motivation ??m?? fr?m within th? individu?l; it ??nn?t b? im????d b? ?n organisation ????rding t? ??m? formula.M?n? ?f t?d??? tr?nd? ??r??r m?n?g?m?nt, ??lf-m?n?g?d learning, and ?m??w?rm?nt h?v? a b??i? in H?rzb?rg? in?ight?.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Undercover Ethical Dilemmas - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1702 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Ethical Dilemma Essay Did you like this example? Undercover Ethical Dilemmas Abstract When an officer goes on an undercover assignment, it is more psychological for the officer than anything else. Undercover assignments can cause havoc on the officers marriage, family relationships and even on his self. When officers go deep undercover for long periods of time, it sometimes can cause them to go rogue and become on the other side of the law. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Undercover Ethical Dilemmas" essay for you Create order There are certain rules and regulations that officers have to follow while undercover, this paper will discuss these rules and regulations of being undercover as well as reviewing all the ethical dilemmas the two undercover officers faced while on assignment. Also, how a new supervisor could prevent that type of behavior with future undercover officers will also be discussed in this paper. It is so essential for someone that goes on undercover, to not get lost while on assignment. The focus is essential; they cannot lose focus. It may be exciting for some but some; it could lead them on a road of continuous unethical decision making. Introduction On many occasions, undercover officers are forced to be away from their family and friends for long periods of time. It can reek havoc on that family relationship because some officers attitudes change as well as their absence from the home. If they have children, it makes it that much worse. It is necessary for officers who go undercover always to follow the rules and regulations to avoid falling on the other side of the law and going rogue. If the officer does not follow the rules and regulations exactly, it is easy for them to get caught up in illegal activities. Undercover officers face ethical dilemmas all the time; it is up to them to make the right decision over the wrong one. If the officer makes the wrong decision, it can not only put them and the rest of the teams lives in danger, but it could also cost them their career and land them potentially behind bars with the same criminals they put behind those same bars. Rules and Regulations of Undercover Assignments There are not many rules that are known to the public for the simple reason of not allowing the public to weed out those who are undercover. However, there is a two-drink maximum rule in place where officers are only allowed to consume two alcoholic drinks per night while undercover. However, while permitting specific illegal behavior on behalf of the police who are undercover, the public will lose trust in the police for the simple fact the police were allowed to legally break the law when if the people of the community did the same thing, they would be arrested and charged with no questions asked. Having public trust and moral authority is essential for the police in a democratic society (Joh, 2009). It is allowing the officers to be free of following the basic rule of law principles that are set in place. Every state has their own set of undercover rules and regulations, and they may differ from state to state. However, for the state of Oregan, the covert operations are explained in detail of what is and is not allowed while conducting an undercover investigation (0640.95 Undercover Safety and Operation Procedures | 0600 Field Operations | The City of Portland, Oregon, 2018). Officers who work undercover could work the assignment alone or with two or more team members. The most crucial thing for an officer to remember is never to have any clothing or items that are visible to the naked eyes that would reveal theyre true identity. So this would include, their badge, uniform, holster, anything that would be recognized as a police uniform (0640.95 Undercover Safety and Operation Procedures, 2018). In Portland, there are a few different rules that must be followed by the officers going undercover. A few of those rules include: The officer cannot consume any controlled substances. If a situation arises that the officer is being forced to use, they should refuse. However, if the suspect pushes more, the officer should take their self out of the situation and terminate the assignment. Another rule is for the officer always to be armed no matter where they are at (0640.95 Undercover Safety and Operation Procedures, 2018). Also, officers should not drink alcohol when on assignment, however, if the situation arises that they must they should refrain from drinking in excess. Nevertheless, if alcohol was consumed, then the officer should report it immediately and cannot participate in any police activity until the effects of the alcohol have worn off (0640.95 Undercover Safety and Operation Procedures, 2018). The Ethical Dilemmas Officers Face In the scenario, both officers made numerous unethical decisions that could have cost them both their career or even their life. When the officers get caught by their superiors of committing police misconduct, and they see no punishment for their actions, then it leaves the officer to continue their behavior and sometimes even escalate their behavior. For example, the more experienced officer, Tony, consumed many drinks, bought cigarettes and even played pool on the contingency funds. He also has purchased Marijuana with the same funds. Tonys informant even gets paid fifty dollars from the funds needed for the investigation. However, when Tony seess the informant, he not only kisses her but also grabs her behind and makes an offensive statement to her. This is not necessary to keep his cover. He sounds like a jerk especially since he does not like to work as a team. He prefers to work alone. Even though Tony logged the expenses into the book does not mean all that he logged was accur ate. When he paid the informant the fifty dollars, the receipt was not witnessed by Johnny until the next day. He was asked to witness the receipt of the transaction between Tony and his informant, but he lied because he was not there when the transaction occurred so he can not say for sure where that fifty dollars went. Over the past three years, Johnny has many accomplishments but also has had to face the consequences relating to a traffic accident while using an undercover car, being late as well as using inappropriate language and turning his reports in late. Noticeably, the more Johnny is around Tony, the more he is becoming just like him. He is disregarding his job, his family and other outside commitments. They both ditch work and go to the bar and drink until their shift ends. So now they are driving home intoxicated. Johnny has become just like Tony in regards to not being a team player. Tony has negatively influenced Johnny. Instead of showing him the right way to do things, he showed him the way he does things. However, by doing this, Johnny is now lying to his wife about his whereabouts as well as drinking excessively on the job which entails driving intoxicated. Coming in all hours of the night when he was not working or way after his shift ended. This is not the type of behavior of an o fficer, whether uniformed or undercover, should act. Johnny even using his unmarked car for pleasure without asking or notifying his superior. Preventing the Same Behavior in the Future When a new supervisor comes into the department, they should have an idea of how they want their unit ran. No matter how long any of the officers have been there, it is the supervisors job to make sure things are running efficiently as well as avoiding any misconduct from their officers (Dwyer, 2008). There is a set of code of ethics that is separate from the formalized rules and regulations. The supervisor should take the code of ethics and print them on a card for each officer. A small card they can carry around with them at all times, in their wallet or pocket. Every time they put they hand in their pocket; they will feel the card and glance at it. The problem with many departments, is some of the officers do not give the code of ethics a second thought (Dwyer, 2008). When these code of ethics have been violated by an officer, the consequence should be enforced and not pushed under the rug. The example should be made of these officers because then the newer officers will get the idea that the supervisor nor the department is something to take lightly. Control their officers behavior as they see fit is essential when trying to accomplish the agencys service goals and mission. Having the courts back the departments is also necessary. Rarely, officers who have made attempts to persuade the courts to make the departments relax the dictates has been deterred (Dwyer, 2008). It is so important to have a department that has stability, and once the balance is shaken, the officer who is trying to go against it should be handled right then and there. There should not be a chance after chance because all that tell the officers is that its okay do not do it again, in which they do (Dwyer, 2008). Conclusion Every officer, whether in uniform or undercover, should have a code of ethics they follow. Most people are raised up with morals, and some carry those morals as they grow up, but some forget those morals after they leave home. Not only should a person have their own set of ethics to follow but also they should follow their departments code of ethics. If more officers were reprimanded for violating any of the code of ethics set by their department, then maybe there would be less misconduct within the criminal justice system. There is no officer better than the other. Being on the police force means having a team of officers, not a solo officer who feels they can take on the world by their self. When the officers have that mentality, they sometimes end up on the other side of the law. References 0640.95 Undercover Safety and Operation Procedures | 0600 Field Operations | The City of Portland, Oregon. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/article/529154 Dwyer, T. (2008). Codes of ethics and officer discipline. Retrieved from https://www.policeone.com/legal/articles/1743985-Codes-of-ethics-and-officer-discipline/ Joh, E. (2009). Breaking the Law to Enforce it: Undercover Police Participation in Crime. Stanford Law Review, 62.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About Sat Essay Samples Godman and How It Can Affect You

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About Sat Essay Samples Godman and How It Can Affect You The studying sections are made to test reading comprehension, and are extremely similar. Reading process can be finished in lots of ways, and every one of them has its benefits. When you go back do a more sophisticated reading of the post, sure to keep a look out for argument-building procedures and to attempt to stay objective. Always try to remain objective once you return to a more comprehensive reading of your article. In either instance, you'll want to make certain you get a great idea of how the passage is laid out before you do a thorough pass through it. For the reason, you've got to make sure that you find out the method by which the passage is presented before going too deep in the specifics. You must go through the passage several times to make certain you understand it correctly. You'll probably wind up reading through parts of the passage multiple times to make certain to fully understand it. What You Can Do About Sat Essay Samples Godman Starting in the Next Five Minutes Test prep books and internet sites will give lots of problems to practice, but should you discover that you don't understand why you're getting the incorrect answers, you might need to go for additional math tutoring or employment by means of a math course at home. Be certain and mark the questions you skipped so you can easily spot them when you could be prepared to tackle them. Taking away the exam element is intended to draw in more diverse and economically challenged students. Answer the simple questions first. Type of Sat Essay Samples Godman The essay must include a prompt so you can see what it requires to adhere to the prompt. There should be a proper sequence for the SAT essay, keep in mind that it should be divided into several paragraphs where each should be structured in accordance with the importance. It gives you an opportunity to show how effective ly you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. It must be organized into paragraphs. Of course, when you're in a position to write a few relevant paragraphs without making repetitions. A balance of science and problem solving questions provide a sound evaluation of a students overall ability resulting in medical and skilled success. For the remaining ten questions, you will need to discover answers by yourself. A lot of students discover that it's simpler to write body paragraphs initially, and just then compose an introduction. The Argument About Sat Essay Samples Godman Be certain to join my free SAT mailing list prior to going! Factual evidence may also be in the shape of non-numerical details. Don't forget, the new SAT uses articles from all types of publications. Because you may read articles from identical sources the SAT gets material from. One of the very first things to do in order to college is applying. You may be taken ab ack at how frequently students receive their professor's name wrong. If at all possible, students would likewise ask the individuals if they'd be ready to compose a more specific letter at a subsequent date, but having the overall letter is a good starting point, and can come in rather handy. Teach students to read a number of writing prompts. The very last thing you would like is to need to retake the full exam, or, worse yet, not have the ability to apply to a specific college, simply because you took the exam without the essay. A standard question regarding SAT scores is whether the entire mess can be prevented by skipping the essay. The essay score isn't a portion of the 400-1600 score. Your essay rating will appear on every score report you send to colleges, irrespective of whether the school demands an essay. The key for an ideal score on the SAT essay is to utilize your time wisely and remain centered on the job. There's no composite SAT Essay score (the 3 scores aren't added together) and there are not any percentiles. SAT is taken by high school students who want to pursue higher education in the United States. A superb ACT or SAT score is something which you will need to go accepted to the university of your choice, and even more to the point, to find scholarship money. High SAT scores will boost your likelihood of securing admission. A good SAT score is going to be an effective weapon in your arsenal when you'll be applying to a great college. The Bad Secret of Sat Essay Samples Godman Each argument needs to be stated in another paragraph starting from the strongest one. The question isn't really seeking your opinion. The nature of the speech concentrated on the war in Vietnam. Your very first answer is most likely the correct one.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Qweasss Free Essays

We can put too much weight on anecdotal information and data picked up by chance, which is easily retrieved from memory. B. We may disregard information that does not fit our preconceptions. We will write a custom essay sample on Qweasss or any similar topic only for you Order Now We may attribute a result to a cause when in fact it may be a random effect. Question 2 For a manager who finds their decision making process, which has already consumed considerable time and energy, going wrong, the best advice is: Selected Answer: Stop, discard the current method, and begin again using a new method. Question 3 Which of the following are TRUE statements about quasi-rationality? The perception of cues may be more or less analytical or intuitive depending on the nature of the task for Judgment and its complexity. According to Brother’s study (1986), the quasi-rationality of perception means that the same Judge often finds it difficult to explain the process to others and to reproduce the same Judgment consistently. Influences on quasi-rational Judgment are, framing effects, overconfidence, irrelevant learning, cognitive dissonance, sunk costs, stress, influence from others and personality. Question 4 Which of the following factors are most likely to bias an individual’s selection of cues? Data availability. Personal preferences. Personal values. Question 5 Which of the following statements are False? The utility of money is independent of differing farming effects or continuum contexts. D. Managers tend to operate in analytical thinking mode at the extreme of the defined under quasi-rationality. Perception of cues is singular in nature, and each cue is processed independently. Question 6 Experienced managers are not necessarily likely to make better Judgments in an unfamiliar than new managers. True Question 7 Which of the following statements is least true? As a person’s experience as a manager increases, their Judgment in both familiar and unfamiliar situations significantly improves. Question 8 Rationality is only a question of whether a choice is in line with a person’s beliefs and preferences and not a question of what sort of preferences and beliefs that person holds. False Question 9 Which two of the following personality characteristics are NOT likely to contribute to making good decisions? External locus of control. How to cite Qweasss, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

INTRODUCTION Essays (2471 words) - Fast Food, Types Of Restaurants

INTRODUCTION: McDonald's Corporation is the world's leading food service organization. The corporation started out as a small drive-through in 1948 by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald. Raymond Albert Kroc, a salesman, saw a great opportunity in this market and advised Dick and Mac to expand their operation and open new restaurants. In 1961 Kroc bought out the McDonald brothers. By 1967 McDonalds expanded its operations to countries outside the U.S.A. This unyielding expansion led the Corporation to open 23,000 McDonald's restaurants in 110 countries in 1994, producing $3.4 bn in annual revenues. In addition, McDonald's opens a new restaurant every three hours. Also, McDonald's has twice the market share of its closest U.S. competitor, Burger King, representing 7% of total U.S. eating-out sales. Similarly, McDonald's serves about 1% of the world's population on any given day through its 23,000 restaurants internationally. Big Mac, the world's most sold hamburger was developed by Jim Delligutti in 1967 to feed construction workers. 'Big Mac' is the biggest attraction and backbone of the corporation. Moreover, McDonald's maintains its competitive advantage by constantly creating new items to add onto its menu. This shows us that McDonald's practices an analyzer type of strategy, introducing new items and defending its existing ones. McDONALD'S MISSION AND VISION: We serve people with good quality food, fast and at low cost. McDonald's vision is to dominate the global food-service industry. Global dominance means setting the performance standard for customer satisfaction and increases market share and profitability through successfully implementing our convenience, value and execution strategies. THESIS STATEMENT: To have a clear picture of McDonald's corporation we need to look at its Task Environment, which includes its: .Customers .Competitors .Strategic Allies .Suppliers .Regulators We shall also explore McDonald's Workforce Diversity and its Total Quality Management. CUSTOMERS: Customers are those who pay money to acquire an organization's goods or services. For many years McDonald's mostly targeted the young people, however this has changed in this decade; McDonald's has turned towards a more general market. By doing this McDonald's concentrates on the family, targeting a diverse market which includes consumers ranging from children to elderly people, using products such as the happy Meal for children and Egg McMuffin for the elderly. McDonald's also realized the changing world we live in and the need for healthier food, since there is an ever changing demographic group, who demand fast, top quality food that is low in calories. McDonald's responded to this opportunity and introduced a new and innovative product. This new product was a regular hamburger that tasted like the real thing but was made of plant material like Soya beans. This same product also targets another demographic group, vegetarians. McDonald's mostly uses psychographic segmentation targeting the working and middle classes. These are the people that are more susceptible to enter a fast food restaurant, since these are the people that lead a fast moving life and thus require a fast meal. In brief McDonald's customers are of all classes, but largely working and middle classes, and people of all ages. COMPETITORS: A competitor is an organization that competes with other organizations for resources. In our findings, McDonald's has two types of competitors in the Lebanese market: ..Indirect ..Direct Indirect Competitors: Indirect refers to firms producing one or two products that compete with McDonald's products and therefore be a threat to the company. We have identified four indirect competitors: Henry J. Beans, T.G.I. Friday, K. F. C. and Popeye's. Henry J. Beans offers hamburgers and fries on its menu, therefore competing with McDonalds for customers of these products. However, Henry J. Beans also known as Hank's is a more of a bar restaurant and therefore a hang out place, as a result charging more money for its products. Hank's targets middle to upper class customers, so where most of these customers overlap are in the middle class. T.G.I Friday is another indirect competitor reflecting the same characteristics as Henry J. Beans. Other indirect competitors are K. F. C. and Popeye's, both competing for the chicken nuggets and fries customers. In brief, Hank's and T.G.I. Friday's competes with McDonald's by offering hamburgers and fries, whereas K. F. C. and Popeye's compete with McDonald's by offering chicken nuggets and fries. Direct Competitors: Direct competitors refers to firms producing the same products or services as McDonald's does. Here we found that McDonald's has three direct competitors: Burger King, Wendy's and

Friday, March 20, 2020

Informative Essay Sample on Walt Whitman What Is Known About the Poet

Informative Essay Sample on Walt Whitman What Is Known About the Poet Walt Whitman was arguably one of America’s most significant and groundbreaking poets. He was born on May 31, 1819 into a working class family in West Hills, New York. Whitman was the second son of Walter Whitman Sr. who was both a carpenter and a farmer. The Sr. Whitman was never very successful at either occupation; however, he moved his family to Brooklyn in 1823 in order to follow a career as a house builder. Whitman attended elementary school in Brooklyn, and at the age of eleven, he began to work in a local office as a clerk. At the age of twelve, he began to learn the printers trade and fell in love with the ‘written word’. Whitman, who mostly taught himself, avidly read the works of Shakespeare, Dante and Homer. Over the next few years, he worked as a printer at the Patriot and Stars newspapers in Brooklyn until in 1836, when a fire demolished the industry. When Whitman turned seventeen, he started teaching at a schoolhouse in Long Island where he taught for five more years. In 1841, after working as a teacher, Whitman turned to journalism as a full time career. He founded a weekly newspaper called the Long-Islander, and later edited many of Brooklyn and New York papers. It was in 1848 when he left the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and instead became editor of the New Orleans Crescent. On his return to Brooklyn later that year, after witnessing the extreme cruelty of slavery in the slave markets back in New Orleans, he founded a â€Å"free-soil† newspaper, the Brooklyn Freeman. He then continued to develop the exclusive style of poetry that later astonished such authors as Ralph Waldo Emerson. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Whitman wrote freelance journalism and visited the wounded at New York-area hospitals. In December of 1862, he went to Washington, D.C. to care for his brother who had been wounded in the war. Overwhelmed by the sight of so many soldiers suffering, he decided to stay and work in the hospitals. He also took a job as a clerk for the Department of the Interior, which was terminated when the Secretary found that Whitman was the author of Leaves of Grass. However, Whitman never gave up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Where (and How) to Get a Cashier’s Check 8 Simple Steps

Where (and How) to Get a Cashier’s Check 8 Simple Steps SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Making a large purchase, such as buying a car or putting a down payment on a house? If so, you may be asked to use a cashier’s check to make your payment. A cashier’s check is a guaranteed way to pay for something and is often requested during large transactions to ensure that you actually have the money you need for your purchase. But what actually is a cashier’s check? Why do you need it? And, if you need one, where can you get one? In this article, I’ll explain exactly where to get a cashier's check and how to get a cashier’s check. I’ll give you options for where to get a cashier’s check and walk you through other options you can use to pay for your purchases if you don’t wish to use a cashier’s check. What Is a Cashier’s Check? A cashier’s check is considered a safe form of payment because it’s guaranteed by the bank. When you use a cashier’s check to pay for a purchase, the bank guarantees that that funds on the check are available to the seller. That way, the seller knows that your check will clear when he or she tries to deposit it and that there’s no chance of your check bouncing. Cashier’s checks are usually required for major purchases, such as when you’re putting a down payment on a house or purchasing a car. Because there's a large sum of money involved, the seller wants to guarantee that they’ll receive the full amount. A cashier’s check helps ensure that they will. You may also be required to use a cashier’s check for slightly smaller transactions, such as a security deposit on your apartment, or even occasionally your monthly rent payment, if required by your landlord. There’s a big difference between a cashier’s check and a personal check, and it can take awhile to get a cashier’s check, so make sure you check your lease or ask your landlord if you need a cashier’s check well before your monthly payment is due. Where to Get a Cashier’s Check You can’t write a cashier’s check on your own, so what are your options for where to get a cashier's check? You’ll need to go into a bank or a credit union. To purchase a cashier’s check, you’ll need two pieces of information. First, you’ll need the exact amount of money you want to guarantee with the check. Second, you’ll need the exact name of the person or institution that’s receiving the check. Make sure you have the name correct - they won’t be able to deposit the cashier’s check if you have a different name on it. If you’re a customer of the bank or credit union, you can get a cashier’s check using the funds that are available in your account. When the bank writes the cashier’s check, they’ll automatically debit the funds for the cashier’s check from your account, which assures the seller that you have the full amount. If you want to purchase a cashier’s check from a bank or credit union where you aren't a customer, you’ll need to bring the full amount in cash. You’ll pay the bank the sum of money in cash and, in return, they’ll provide you with the cashier’s check. For the most part you’ll need to go to the bank in person in order to purchase a cashier’s check, but a few banks, like Wells Fargo, allow you to order cashier’s checks online. However, you’ll need to wait for the check to be processed online and mailed, which can take up to 10 business days. A cashier’s check must be deposited within 90 to 120 days after it’s issued, so make sure the recipient knows that they should deposit the check as soon as they get it. Cashier’s Check Fees In addition to wondering how to get a cashier’s check, customers are often concerned with finding the cheapest place to get a cashier’s check. Purchasing a cashier’s check from a bank will usually cost you a small fee, even if you have an account at the bank. Let’s take a look at the cashier’s check fees at the top 10 US banks. Bank Cashier’s Check Fee For Basic Checking Account Holders Chase $8 Bank of America $10 Wells Fargo $10 Citibank $10 U.S. Bank $7 PNC Bank $10 Capital One $10 TD Bank $8 BBT $10 Suntrust $8 Note that these fees are the fees that it costs customers who have a basic checking account at the bank in question to purchase a cashier’s check. If you’re going to a bank where you don’t have a basic checking account, you might pay more money to purchase a cashier’s check. However, if you have a high-tiered checking account (such as one with a higher monthly deposit requirement or daily minimum balance), you might have a lower fee to purchase a cashier’s check from your bank, or you may not have to pay a fee at all. Often, credit union will offer lower fees for cashier’s checks. If you’re concerned about cost, shop around to see the cheapest place to get a cashier’s check in your area. How to Get a Cashier’s Check In order to purchase a cashier’s check, you first need to go to your local bank or credit union branch. Follow these steps to make the process as painless as possible. Make sure that you’ve got the funds to cover the check before you go to the branch. Remember, your account will be immediately debited for those funds, or you’ll need to have enough cash on hand to cover the full amount. Make sure you’ve got the correct full name of the person or institution you’re paying. Make sure you’ve got your government-issued photo ID with you, such as a driver’s license or passport. If you’ve got an account at the institution you’re purchasing the cashier’s check from, make sure you have the required materials to access your account. You’ll most likely need to have your debit card and pin number, as well as a photo ID. If you don’t have a debit card, make sure you know your account number or social security number so the teller can look up your account. Wait in line at the branch location until it’s your turn to speak with a teller. Tell the teller that you’re interested in purchasing a cashier’s check. Provide the teller with your account number, or with the cash required to purchase the cashier’s check. Provide the teller with the name of the person or institution you’re paying. The teller will make sure that you’ve got enough money to cover the sum of the check. Then, the teller will draft the check and sign it, ensuring that it’s guaranteed by the bank. Cashier’s Checks Vs. Personal Checks Cashier’s checks are very different from personal checks, which is why they’re generally required for large purchases. Purchasing a cashier’s check means that your account will automatically be debited for the amount to cover the check. This debiting guarantees you’ve got enough money to cover the cost of the cashier’s check. When you write a personal check, your account isn’t debited until the check is deposited, so the check may bounce if you’ve spent money and no longer have the funds to cover the personal check’s amount. Because cashier’s checks are guaranteed, they often clear more quickly than personal checks. This means that the seller can have access to the funds for your purchase more quickly than waiting for a personal check to clear. The physical features of both checks are different. A cashier’s check is signed by a bank representative, which is part of guaranteeing the funds for the check are available. Likewise, cashier’s checks have distinguishing security features, such as watermarks, and are often written on special bond paper. Cashier’s Checks Vs. Money Orders A money order is very similar to a cashier’s check. When you purchase a money order, you’re also guaranteeing that you’ve got the funds to pay for your purchase. However, there are some key differences between the two forms of payment. A cashier’s check is issued by a bank or credit union. A money order isn’t. You can often purchase money orders at grocery stores, the post office, gas stations, or other places around town. Because you can purchase a money order from many different places, it may be more convenient to use a money order to guarantee your payment on a purchase. Money orders, however, have a maximum limit of money that you can send at one time. That means that you’ll need to use a cashier’s check for larger purchases that require you to transfer greater sums of money. Cashier’s Checks vs. ACH/Wire Transfers ACH/wire transfers are very similar to cashier’s checks, with several key differences. For both cashier’s checks and ACH/wire transfers, your account will be immediately debited when you initiate the transaction. This debiting guarantees that you’ve got the funds needed to cover the purchase. There are fees associated with ACH/wire transfers, just the same as there are fees associated with cashier’s checks. The fees associated with ACH/wire transfers are often higher than the cashier’s check fees and can depend on how quickly you want the money to be sent. When you make an ACH/wire transfer, you’re electronically transferring funds from your account to someone else’s. This means that you’ll automatically send funds to the seller, without them having to deposit a check. You can request a same day ACH/wire transfer for an added fee, which means that the money will instantly appear in the seller’s account. There are often limits for the amount of money you can send a person via wire or ACH transfer, depending on the type of transfer you’re doing, your bank’s policies, and how quickly you want to send the money. Review: Where and How to Get a Cashier's Check Cashier’s checks are considered a safe way to pay for large purchases because they’re guaranteed by a bank to have the funds to cover the sum of the check. You can get a cashier’s check from your local bank or credit union branch, which often requires paying a small fee.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Is Inclusion a failed ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Is Inclusion a failed ideology - Essay Example Teachers must have enough training such that they can teach children with disabilities without any problems. On the other hand, parents must work hand in hand, with teachers to ensure the smooth learning of their children (Gray and MacBlain 2012). However, according to a report released by the House of Commons education and skills committee, the government’s policy of inclusion has been criticised for its confused and unclear definition of special schools. This has forced some children into wrong mainstream schools, something that result into distress for both children and their parents. According to the report, the government should concentrate on not just putting up special schools, but how the whole system should have high quality and well resourced to meet the needs of every student. While the world is advancing and normal people continue to enjoy education and other facilities at their disposal, disabled youth are left behind. Norwich 2008 argues that this is not only soc ially wrong but also ethically inappropriate. Including students with disabilities in our education system where they will get their special needs, in addition to what their able, peers are getting is a big step towards achieving the aim of better education for all (Atkinson and Claxton 2000) With reference to Sage (2004), many people have never been able to differentiate between mainstreaming and integration from inclusion. Mainstreaming tries to bring people with disabilities to regular classrooms so that they can grow with their peers without giving them support. Conversely, integration gives these disabled pupils a part time interaction with their peer, and this denies those students an opportunity of feeling that, they are members of that class. Never the less, inclusion gives equitable education and training opportunities for all young people. This help to prepare all young people to a productive life ahead. Therefore, those who have various disabilities can be able to live th eir lives to the fullest (Wilkinson and Ahmed 2007). Special Education Needs (SEP) are the principles that govern sustainable inclusion, and outline several practices that various shareholders are required to do to ensure that the project succeed. Norwich 2008 argues that, if inclusion is to be successful, early intervention and involvement of children is required. Many parents don’t give their children time to develop among their peers. Schools do not have special facilities to cater for the needs of these children. Later in life when these young people are introduced in the normal classrooms at their secondary or more advanced stage, they cannot co-exist with other children. This limits the effectiveness of inclusion (Byers and Rose 2004). Is Inclusion A Failed Ideology? The idea of having inclusion in the education system was a smart move and although this idea has not been fully realized. For example, a study conducted by Blazzard 2011, evidenced that some teachers displa yed negative attitudes towards pupils with special needs. This, according to Blazzard, affected school’s commitment to commitment. In addition, parental resistance to inclusion, lack of funding, training and resources were also among the identified barriers. However, students with disabilities are likely to have high self-esteem when they attend classes with other student than when

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Criminal justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Criminal justice - Assignment Example There was formation of the international association of chiefs of police, women included in the police force 1910 Los Angeles, establishment of fraternal order of police and use of new technology such as phones and automobiles in the police department (Schmalleger, pg. 90). The period of prohibition is considered one of the dark periods in the development of law implementation and enforcement. It is during this era that so many organized criminal incidents escalated, illegal businesses grew without hindrance, and corruption in the police forces was entertained allowing unlawful acts to go on at their watching. It was until the Wickersham Commission realized that prohibition era was doing more harm than good that then significant law changes were initiated fight corruption and unlawfulness. This included the growth of civil rights where by the Supreme Court stated individual rights, scrutiny of police operations and formation of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. Law improvement and enforcement strategies were defined and adopted by the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice standards and Goals. There are several federal law enforcement agencies in America each with a specific function geared towards promoting law. The US Department of Justice is responsible for reporting crimes, locating fugitives, finding sales of seized property, identifying missing individuals and building test between law enforcement and the general public they serve. The Central Intelligence Agency is charged with the duty of preempting threats and advance the US national security objectives by gathering intelligence that is significant, analyzing data, initiate action as prompted by the president and protect the national secretes. The Federal Bureau of Investigation protects the US from terror attacks, against foreign intelligence operations, protect civil rights and against

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Solar Energy What Will Save Our Earth Environmental Sciences Essay

Solar Energy What Will Save Our Earth Environmental Sciences Essay Around the world, everyone seems to have green on their minds. However, this isnt green as in money, this green deals with the green movement. The green movement was started by environmentalists, whose goal it was to make known we are damaging our earth and that we need to make changes to save it. The main focus of the green movement is to create alternative energy sources for the world to use instead of depleting our fossil fuel energy resources. With fossil fuels being non-renewable resources, we all must recognize the energy problem and work towards other options. Eric McLamb, in his online article on energys future today, states non-renewable fossil fuels were  formed from plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago and became buried way underneath the Earths surface where their remains collectively transformed into the combustible materials we use for fuel.  (McLamb, 1) Without our supply of fossil fuels, society would fail to exist as it does today. Our most common fossil fuels today are oil, coal and natural gas, giving us our heat and electricity. Eric McLamb continued on to state,  This means that fossil fuels, along with nuclear energy-a controversial, nonrenewable energy source- are supplying 93% of the worlds energy resources.  (McLamb, 1)   We obtain most of our fossil fuels through a mining process. During the various mining processes, the surrounding environment can be highly damaged. Numerous oil spills have occurring while mining, damaging large areas of our ocean ecosystems. In addition to damaging water, the mining of coal strips enormous pieces of land, destroying our land ecosystems. Our ecosystems are being destroyed, as well as our atmosphere. When burned, fossil fuels release large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide in turn contributes greatly towards our planets global warming epidemic, which then creates other issues. With global warming causing temperatures to rise, ice in places such as Antarctica, is melting causing ocean water to rise and negatively impact its surrounding ecosystems and other bodies of water.  Rising sea levels alone can impede processes ranging from settlement, agriculture and fishing both commercially and recreationally. Air pollution is also a direct r esult of the use of fossil fuels, resulting in smog and the degradation of human health and plant growth. (McLamb, 1)   By the year 2020, world energy consumption is projected to increase by 50% If the global consumption of renewable energy sources remains constant, the worlds available fossil fuel reserves will be consumed in 104 years or in the 22nd century.(McLamb, 1) With our non-renewable resources depleting and our population continually growing, the need for other energy sources will not be decreasing anywhere in the near future. The energy sources being considered today center around natural elements; wind, solar, and water energy sources. All of these sources are efficient, renewable, and healthy for our environment. For the purpose of this essay, I chose to focus strictly on solar energy. More specifically, I chose to focus on the benefits and detriments of solar energy on the U.S environmentally.  I strongly believe that the U.S. needs to make the switch to solar energy and would environmentally benefit from doing so. Solar energy is radiant energy from the sun, which is then harnessed and used to produce electricity. Solar energy began in the 7th century, using glass and the sun to make fire. Through the years the need for solar energy has increased and is used today to heat rooms, heat water, and generate electricity. In order to heat rooms and water, the radiant energy from the suns rays must be captured. It is difficult to capture rays because they are so spread out, the concentrations very dramatically. NEED, The National Energy Education Development Program, shares about how much solar energy that is available depends on  the time of day, the season of the year, and the clearness or cloudiness of the sky.  (Solar, 40) Once the energy is caught, it needs to be transformed into usable energy. The main processes to transform the rays into energy are photovoltaic, solar power towers or by burning biomass. Photovoltaic cells are the most common and efficient way to convert solar energy. An enthusiast, Marissa Schiff, states in her article Why the U.S. Should Rely More Heavily Upon Solar Energy, The photovoltaic effect occurs when sunlight is absorbed by the cells that are similar to computer chips. The solar energy in this instance gets the electrons moving by separating them from their atoms which allows the electrons to move through the material and thus creates electricity.(Schiff, 2) Silicon is the most common material used in photovoltaic cells and they are most efficiently used in rural settings. Another way to convert solar into energy is through solar power towers, also known as central receivers. Schiff continues on to address solar power towers that generate energy from sunlight because they concentrate solar energy onto a tower which has a receiver on the top that converts energy and creates steam.  (Schiff, 2) Solar power towers are ideally for more populated areas, such as large cities. Lastly, a common way to convert the harnessed energy is through the burning of biomass. Schiff states,  the biomass produces usable energy because it contains energy stored from the sun through the process of photosynthesis.  (Schiff, 2) The burning of the biomass releases heat, which in turn can heat up buildings and can be used to create steam to generate electricity. When speaking of solar power, people tend to think of the positive effects it has on our environment. However, there are many detriments when it comes to the existence of many solar power plants. For example, the Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement website states, All utility-scale solar energy facilities require relatively large areas for solar radiation collection when used to generate electricity at a commercial scale, and the large arrays of solar collectors may interfere with natural sunlight, rainfall, and drainage, which could have a variety of effects on plants and animals.  (Solar Energy, 1) The loss of land could damage many animals habitats, as well as stop current land use. For example, the land may currently be used for the grazing of sheep or even an archeological site. Also, most solar power plants would chose to use photovoltaic cell panels to capture the suns rays. These photovoltaic panels, although they have a coating on them, cou ld be damaged and release harmful chemicals into our environment. As the Solar Energy Development PEIS points out, concentrating solar power systems may employ liquids such as oils or molten salts that may be hazardous and present spill risks.  (Solar Energy, 1) In addition to damaging the land, the water sources surrounding the solar power plant may be damaged. Many solar power plants use turbines to generate the electricity after captured by the panels. These turbines use water for cooling purposes. As many solar power plants would be located in arid, hot climates, the water sources would already be limited. If a solar plant was to be built in such a place, there would be an increased strain on the water reserves. Another thought is if the water was contaminated accidently while cooling in the turbine, it could contaminate the entire water supply. Overall solar power plants could possibly cause a lot of damage to our environment. They are massive facilities that would have to be treated much like that of a construction site, with extreme caution. Although there are several possible detriments to our environment, if we choose to convert to solar our environment would be greatly saved. Solar energy, along with all renewable resources, does not pollute our air and is quiet efficient. Solar energy would reduce global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions because it doesnt emit any at all. Solar energy also does not release nitrogen oxide or sulfur dioxide into our atmosphere, which would reduce smog and acid rain. (Schiff, 1) Also, as previously addressed, we must make the switch to solar energy in order to conserve our remaining fossil fuels so that we dont run out within the next 104 years as proposed. Fossil fuels must be mined; solar on the other hand does not. Solar would reduce the waste that occurs through these mining processes that negatively effects our environment, such as dust, drainage and emissions. Finally, the efficiency of fossil fuels for electricity is relatively low. McLamb states,  When you burn these fossil fuels to create electricity, we only convert about 35% of the energy produced into electricity; the other 65% is lost mostly in heat.  (McLamb, 1) As our fossil fuels are steadily depleting we need a reliable energy source with a higher efficiency. Although single solar cells have relatively low efficiency, when millions are combined to create an entire solar power system, the efficiency increases. Since the sun is everlasting, the efficiency isnt as big of a deal as in the case of our fossil fuels. As our fossil fuels continue to deplete, everyone from environmentalists to national oil companies, are recognizing the fact that we must decide on an alternative energy source for our nation.  Ã‚  Through the evidence collected here, it is clear solar energy has its benefits and detriments, but it is understandably the best energy alternative.  Although solar energy does present some detriments to our environment, they are only possibilities, not proven facts.  Ã‚  The fact is that solar energy is dramatically better for our environment than todays fossil fuels.  Ã‚  Initially expensive, yet worthwhile in the long run, environmentally-friendly solar energy is the direction the U.S. should be heading.     Ã‚   MLA Works Cited McLamb, Eric. ecology.com | Fossil Fuels vs. Renewable Energy.  The Ecology Global Network | Ecology News and Information for Residents of Planet Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. . Schiff, Marissa , and Jason Vaupen. Economic Benefits.  Why the U.S. Should Rely More Heavily Upon Solar Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. . Solar.  Solar at a Glance 2008. The NEED Project, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. . Solar Energy Development Environmental Considerations.  Solar Energy Development PEIS Information Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. .

Friday, January 17, 2020

Philippineâ€American War

The Philippine–American War, also known as the Philippine War of Independence or the Philippine Insurrection (1899–1902), was an armed conflict between a group of Filipino revolutionaries and the United States which arose from the struggle of the First Philippine Republic to gain independence following annexation by the United States.The war was part of a series of conflicts in the Philippine struggle for independence, preceded by the Philippine Revolution and the Spanish-American War. Fighting erupted between U. S. and Philippine revolutionary forces on February 4, 1899, and quickly escalated into the 1899 Battle of Manila.On June 2, 1899, the First Philippine Republic officially declared war against the United States. The war officially ended on July 4, 1902. Members of the Katipunan society continued to battle the American forces. Among them was General Macario Sacay, a veteran Katipunan member who assumed the presidency of the proclaimed Tagalog Republic, formed in 1902 after the capture of President Aguinaldo. Other groups, including the Moro people and Pulahanes, continued hostilities until their defeat at the Battle of Bud Bagsak on June 15, 1913 Opposition to the war inspired Mark Twain to found the Anti-Imperialist League on June 15, 1898.The war and occupation by the United States would change the cultural landscape of the islands, as the people dealt with an estimated 34,000–1,000,000 casualties, disestablishment of the Catholic Church as the state religion, and the introduction of the English language as the primary language of government and some businesses. In 1916, the United States granted the Philippines autonomy and promised eventual self-government, which came in 1934. In 1946, following World War II, the United States recognized Philippine Independence through the Treaty of Manila.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men - 985 Words

Of Mice and Men Characterization Essay People who are different can often feel discarded by society, leaving them with problems such as loneliness or depression. These outcasts may become desperate for companionship. Sadly, the differences of these individuals are rarely accepted, leaving them in a vicious cycle of rejection. Lennie Small is considered daft by many who read the novel, and his dissimilarities from others are the building blocks to his not-so-happy ending. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck it would be easy to say that Lennie is simple minded, but he is also autophobic; meaning he fears being alone. Lennie’s actions are consistently imbecilic all through the novel. When George is talking to Slim about how he used to treat Lennie he says, â€Å"Why he’d do any damn thing I tol’ him. If I tol’ him to walk over a cliff, over he’d go† (40). The notion that Lennie’s supposed friend, maybe even guardian, could do something so m alicious is disturbing to say the least. George knows Lennie is too half-witted to take care of himself, yet he plays these tricks on him. Lennie’s endless trust in George is extremely imprudent, considering he would fall to his death according to George’s instructions. In his conversation with Slim, George mentioned, â€Å"I’ve beat the hell outta him, and he could have bust every bone in my body, jus’ with his han’s, but he never lifted a finger against me† (40). George obviously got some sort of sick pleasure from taunting Lennie for his idiocy.Show MoreRelatedJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1248 Words   |  5 PagesIn Steinbeck s novel Of Mice and Men, He uses imagery many times to create a realistic setting and plot. Steinbeck’s depiction of migrant workers and their daily complications during the depression are objectively precise due to his use of imagery with idioms, dreams, nature, loneliness and animal imagery. The main theme of the book transpires to be loneliness and fate. While George and Lennie, the main characters have a synergetic relationship, fate steps in and does away with their dreams, whichRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men897 Words   |  4 Pagesthat we possess. Many people feel ce rtain emotions based on events that have taken place in their lifetime or how they were raised throughout their childhood. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, he portrays the feelings of isolation and loneliness in three different characters. George’s isolation is illustrated in Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men. George expresses many hard feelings towards Lennie at the opening of this story. â€Å"‘...you’re a lot of trouble,’ said George. ‘I could get along so easy and soRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1243 Words   |  5 Pagesis what John Steinbeck achieves by portraying this through the characters in his novella Of Mice and Men. The main characters are affected by loneliness in their own different way throughout the novella. rf The loneliness is maintained by the challenges that the characters have to face, and they sustain those challenges of being inhumane towards each other. Crook, a figure in the story who experiences discrimination encounters the challenge of race, due to the book’s setting in the 1930’s duringRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1080 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"I want you to stay with me Lennie. Jesus Christ, somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself.† The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck shows the relationship between two migrant workers in the 1930s, George and Lennie, along with the other members on the new ranch that they began working on. Georgie and Lennie dreamed of following the American Dream and owning their own patch of land and the novel revolves around the dream and the obstacles that stand in their way. Lennie, a strongRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1286 Words   |  6 PagesThe realistic fiction novella O f Mice And Men by John Steinbeck explains the journey of two migrant farm workers. Lennie and George are forced to overcome the Dust Bowl and The Great Depression around 1938. This makes jobs even harder to come by because everyone wanted one. Lennie and George were kicked out of Weed and they now work at a ranch in Soledad. At the new farm the friendship between Lennie and George becomes harder to maintain. The people on the farm are all different shapes, sizes, andRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men2167 Words   |  9 Pagesjobs. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, George Milton and Lennie Small wander through California in search of a new job that would help them make enough money to live their American dream on â€Å"the fatta the lan’†(Steinbeck 14). George and Lennie’s hard work and determination is not enough for them to live their dream. Lennie has a mental disability that slows the two friends down from living their dream; they have to ru n from job to job because of Lennie’s unintentional actions. Steinbeck incorporatesRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1360 Words   |  6 Pagesfeeling, thinking and acting in everyday life. In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, a duo of farmers, George and Lennie, search for work wherever they can. Their dream of having a farm of their own is coming into reach, while George has to wield Lennie away from the temptation of Curley’s wife and the reality of what Lennie can do. John Steinbeck uses characterization to illustrate the nature of human existence. Steinbeck portrays George as a man who tries to help, and helps others soRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1448 Words   |  6 Pages In the novella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck discusses the idea of loneliness and how people who work at the ranch have no family and no future in lives. He indicates that all people at the ranch are lonely, but he specifically uses a few characters to highlight their state of being lonely and more miserable than the others. He emphasizes the loneliness of ranch life during the Great Depression, and shows how people are willing to try and find friendship in order to escape from the state ofRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1205 Words   |  5 Pagesand the time period of John Steinbeck s novella, Of Mice and Men, exemplifies the idea that people from minorities are held back from achieving their version of the ‘American Dream’. This goes to prove not everyone will overcome the overbearing tidal waves of their hardship s, which makes the American Dream nothing more than a dream to them. Crooks, the black stable hand, faces discrimination due to his skin color as this unfortunately was common in the 1930’s. John Steinbeck uses Crooks’ situationRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men968 Words   |  4 PagesSolidifying the theme of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the protagonist George expresses his significant loneliness despite a strong kinship with his friend Lennie, â€Å"’I ain’t got no people†¦ I seen the guys that go around the ranches alone. That ain’t no good’† (41). Published in 1937, amidst the horrific turmoil of the Great Depression, Steinbeck’s novella struck a sensitive chord with readers. Set in the heart of California’s Central Valley, this story follows two men, George and Lennie, as they

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What Is Your Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S....

Health Promotions: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Beth Fleming Grand Canyon University April 03, 2014 For many years, health promotions and prevention has been the focus for healthcare providers, especially nurses. Health promotion seeks to improve a person or population’s health by teaching about and helps people become more aware of risky behaviors associated with different diseases. It encourages individuals to take preventative measures to prevent onset or worsening of a disease or illness. It encourages a healthier lifestyle (Edelman amp; Mandle, 2010). The strategy is to help people make health improvements or prevention before illness occurs. Health promotion is†¦show more content†¦Health programs are implemented to improve the health of the individual and the community. Implementation is both strategy and intervention which includes health related programs, policies, benefits, and environmental support. Multiple interventions should be used because this would be more effective than one intervention alone. Nurses are more educated and more experienced today so they can help provide guidance to patients, families and the community. Primary prevention starts at a young age. Prevention needs to be started in the family. Obesity for example needs to be addressed from childhood. Families need to be taught about nutritious meals and healthy snacks. This needs to be incorporated at home, day cares and at school. Families are essential when it comes to promoting the health of their children. They have a big influence over the food and physical activity choices children are exposed to. Strong family engagement will help ensure successful implementation ((Reynolds, Cotwright, Pohamas, Rosenberg amp; Chang, 2013). Primary prevention can begin at your family physician. They can provide information to encourage and start a health regimen. Children can be given chores and not be allowed to sit and play video games or watch television all day. Daily activity, good nutrition and encouragement from parents can help to prevent childhood obesity. Childcare providers can get assistance from state and government agencies toShow M oreRelatedWhat Is Your Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S. Health Care System in the Context of Delivery, Finance, Management, and/or Sustainability? What Are the Issues That Prompted a Need for Health Care Reform?896 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is your evaluation of the effectiveness of the U.S. health care system in the context of delivery, finance, management, and/or sustainability? What are the issues that prompted a need for health care reform? Support your answer with a credible data reference. Do not use a reference already used by another student. Health care reforms is one of the biggest issue for voters. With our aging population, complexity of illness and growing cost of health care, the government need a new approachRead MoreNrs 427v All Week Discussions879 Words   |  4 Pagescom/shop/nrs-427v-all-week-discussions/ NRS 427 Week 1 DQ1 What is your idea of a healthy community? Provide specific examples. What do healthy communities have in common? How would you provide care for a community if your idea of a healthy community does not match your communitys definition of a healthy community? NRS 427 Week 1 DQ2 Consider the different communities to which you belong: 1. What is the geopolitical community in you live? Why is it geopolitical? 2. What is a phenomenological community to whichRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pages Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting This page intentionally left blank Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting Edited by ALNOOR BHIMANI 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pages This page intentionally left blank International Management Culture, Strategy, and Behavior Eighth Edition Fred Luthans University of Nebraska–Lincoln Jonathan P. Doh Villanova University INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT: CULTURE, STRATEGY, AND BEHAVIOR, EIGHTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright  © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions  © 2009Read MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 PagesTOP-TEAM POLITICS†¦page 90 WHEN YOUR CORE BUSINESS IS DYING†¦page 66 Y GE SE PA IN DS CK R M WA A 53 www.hbr.org April 2007 58 What Your Leader Expects of You Larry Bossidy 66 Finding Your Next Core Business Chris Zook 78 Promise-Based Management: The Essence of Execution Donald N. Sull and Charles Spinosa 90 The Leadership Team: Complementary Strengths or Conï ¬â€šicting Agendas? Stephen A. Miles and Michael D. Watkins 100 Avoiding Integrity Land Mines BenRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmain text of this book includes 87 short illustrations and 15 case examples which have been chosen to enlarge speciï ¬ c issues in the text and/or provide practical examples of how business and public sector organisations are managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of speciï ¬ c organisations in much greater depth – and often providing ‘solutions’ to some of the problems or difï ¬ cultiesRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 PagesManagement Course: MBA−10 General Management California College for Health Sciences MBA Program McGraw-Hill/Irwin abc McGraw−Hill Primis ISBN: 0−390−58539−4 Text: Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition Cohen Harvard Business Review Finance Articles The Power of Management Capital Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum International Management, Sixth Edition Hodgetts−Luthans−Doh Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition Jones−George Driving Shareholder Value Morin−Jarrell LeadershipRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 PagesDBA 1652 Marketing Management UNIT -- I Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Unit Title Marketing management – an introduction Marketing environment Marketing with other functional areas of management Market segmentation Market targeting and positioning Product management Brand management Pricing Channel design and management Retailing and Wholesaling Integrated Marketing Communication Advertising management Sales promotion Personal selling PublicRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words   |  190 Pages128 132 136 vi Contents Dale Schilling Erik Johnson 140 143 Vi. setback or failUre Chris Withers Eugenia Gibbons John Richard Craig Ellis Irfhan Rawji Thomson Nguy Anonymous Jordan Burton 150 152 154 157 159 161 163 165 Vii. ethical issUes Anonymous PaulYeh Rye Barcott Anonymous Adam Heltzer Anonymous Anonymous 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 Viii. other QUestion Nathan Dutzmann Anonymous David Zhang John Schmit 197 200 203 206 vii Contents Jaime Arreola Anonymous Ally Ip AnonymousRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 PagesT W O DaimlerChrysler: Corporate governance dynamics in a global company C A S E T H R E E Gunns and the greens: Governance issues in Tasmania C A S E F O U R Succeeding in the Sydney indie music industry C A S E F I V E Nucor in 2005 C A S E S I X News Corp in 2005: Consolidating the DirecTV acquisition C A S E S E V E N Shanghai Volkswagen: Implementing project management in the electrical engineering division C A S E E I G H T Television New Zealand: Balancing between commercial and social objectives What Is Your Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S.... What is your evaluation of the effectiveness of the U.S. health care system in the context of delivery, finance, management, and/or sustainability? What are the issues that prompted a need for health care reform? Support your answer with a credible data reference. Do not use a reference already used by another student. Health care reforms is one of the biggest issue for voters. With our aging population, complexity of illness and growing cost of health care, the government need a new approach to delivery of health care system. There is still a large population that are uninsured. There is mounting recognition that our country’s health system is greatly influenced by social determinants, socio-economic status, and environmental†¦show more content†¦The health care system must change to improve our nation’s health and takes strong steps to address the unsustainable growth of health care costs in America. We still have a long way to go before our health system become effective. We still have population that do not have insurance, have difficulties accessing their health care, or their needs are not met within the healthcare system. It is an investment in prevention and wellness and increasing access to primary care physician. Here are four key reasons why we need health care reform (Whelan Russell, 2010): We need to address adverse health industry practices. †¢ Stopping discriminatory health insurance industry practices. It will also stop insurance companies from charging people more because of these conditions and prevent them from dropping your coverage when you get sick. †¢ Requiring more transparency and accountability. Make the insurance companies more accountable by requiring federal oversight of premium increases and public disclosure of the amounts they spend on administrative expenses. †¢ Eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse. Rein in waste, fraud, and abuse by imposing tough new requirements to identify high-risk providers who have defrauded the American taxpayers and identify where there are conflicts of interest. Provide better health insurance coverageShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Your Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S. Health Care System in the Context of Delivery, Finance, Management, and/or Sustainability? What Are the Issues That Prompted a Need for Health Care Reform1122 Words   |  5 Pages Health Promotions: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Beth Fleming Grand Canyon University April 03, 2014 For many years, health promotions and prevention has been the focus for healthcare providers, especially nurses. Health promotion seeks to improve a person or population’s health by teaching about and helps people become more aware of risky behaviors associated with different diseases. It encourages individuals to take preventativeRead MoreNrs 427v All Week Discussions879 Words   |  4 Pagescom/shop/nrs-427v-all-week-discussions/ NRS 427 Week 1 DQ1 What is your idea of a healthy community? Provide specific examples. What do healthy communities have in common? How would you provide care for a community if your idea of a healthy community does not match your communitys definition of a healthy community? NRS 427 Week 1 DQ2 Consider the different communities to which you belong: 1. What is the geopolitical community in you live? Why is it geopolitical? 2. What is a phenomenological community to whichRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pages Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting This page intentionally left blank Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting Edited by ALNOOR BHIMANI 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pages This page intentionally left blank International Management Culture, Strategy, and Behavior Eighth Edition Fred Luthans University of Nebraska–Lincoln Jonathan P. Doh Villanova University INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT: CULTURE, STRATEGY, AND BEHAVIOR, EIGHTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright  © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions  © 2009Read MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 PagesTOP-TEAM POLITICS†¦page 90 WHEN YOUR CORE BUSINESS IS DYING†¦page 66 Y GE SE PA IN DS CK R M WA A 53 www.hbr.org April 2007 58 What Your Leader Expects of You Larry Bossidy 66 Finding Your Next Core Business Chris Zook 78 Promise-Based Management: The Essence of Execution Donald N. Sull and Charles Spinosa 90 The Leadership Team: Complementary Strengths or Conï ¬â€šicting Agendas? Stephen A. Miles and Michael D. Watkins 100 Avoiding Integrity Land Mines BenRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesmain text of this book includes 87 short illustrations and 15 case examples which have been chosen to enlarge speciï ¬ c issues in the text and/or provide practical examples of how business and public sector organisations are managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of speciï ¬ c organisations in much greater depth – and often providing ‘solutions’ to some of the problems or difï ¬ cultiesRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 PagesManagement Course: MBA−10 General Management California College for Health Sciences MBA Program McGraw-Hill/Irwin abc McGraw−Hill Primis ISBN: 0−390−58539−4 Text: Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition Cohen Harvard Business Review Finance Articles The Power of Management Capital Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum International Management, Sixth Edition Hodgetts−Luthans−Doh Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition Jones−George Driving Shareholder Value Morin−Jarrell LeadershipRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 PagesDBA 1652 Marketing Management UNIT -- I Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Unit Title Marketing management – an introduction Marketing environment Marketing with other functional areas of management Market segmentation Market targeting and positioning Product management Brand management Pricing Channel design and management Retailing and Wholesaling Integrated Marketing Communication Advertising management Sales promotion Personal selling PublicRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words   |  190 Pages128 132 136 vi Contents Dale Schilling Erik Johnson 140 143 Vi. setback or failUre Chris Withers Eugenia Gibbons John Richard Craig Ellis Irfhan Rawji Thomson Nguy Anonymous Jordan Burton 150 152 154 157 159 161 163 165 Vii. ethical issUes Anonymous PaulYeh Rye Barcott Anonymous Adam Heltzer Anonymous Anonymous 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 Viii. other QUestion Nathan Dutzmann Anonymous David Zhang John Schmit 197 200 203 206 vii Contents Jaime Arreola Anonymous Ally Ip AnonymousRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 PagesT W O DaimlerChrysler: Corporate governance dynamics in a global company C A S E T H R E E Gunns and the greens: Governance issues in Tasmania C A S E F O U R Succeeding in the Sydney indie music industry C A S E F I V E Nucor in 2005 C A S E S I X News Corp in 2005: Consolidating the DirecTV acquisition C A S E S E V E N Shanghai Volkswagen: Implementing project management in the electrical engineering division C A S E E I G H T Television New Zealand: Balancing between commercial and social objectives